Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Watching Chris Brown on Larry King

Anyone who has ever hit a woman always has an excuse,
They will say anything but admit to the abuse,
It seems that Chris Brown isn't different than any other man,
He won't admit to being an abuser, just as none of them can.
They are all big and bad as they strike you with their fists,
It looks like this happens to all, even to Chris.
Look at him on Larry King try to avoid the issue,
Feel my sorrow as I go get him his tissue.
Did he think of these things as he beat poor Rihanna's face???
There relationship seemed pretty good, what a waste!!!
I bet this wasn't the first time he laid a hand on her.
Abuse like that just doesn't come in a blur!!!
There are always signs of what is yet to come.
It just seems us ladies, why we are way too dumb!!!
Chris Brown just didn't start hurting her without a thought.
This was just the first time he went so far that he got caught.
He can blame anyone he wants for all I care,
He knows what really happened, he was there,
Watching Chris Brown on Larry King,
Why it made me want to vomit,
I hope no one wants to hear Chris Brown sing,
I hope someone finds a way to stop it.

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